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Saturday 25 May 2013

M - the true inspiration.

Lots has been said and written about me and my struggles, fights, battles and recent triumphs over the past week. I've had so much support, love, kindness and friendship and as a result I don't feel so alone, scared or full of fear. 

After so so many years I see a light and feel hope that I can change. It's amazing although I know the road is long. 

But, and it's a huge but, someone has stood by me, carried me, picked me up, cried with me, laughed with me, held my hand, stroked me and stood by me when most would have left so very long a go 

That person is my wife, Martha. 

She is the strongest, bravest most caring loving patient women i have ever met and she is nothing less than my inspiration! 

To be very honest she is the very reason I'm still standing and gave me the strength to open up from a silent hell.

She has put up with so much, which sadly, is the result of living with a man who held a painful past. 

So this walk I do today, this life I have today  i dedicate to her. because without my Martha I'd still be in that very dark forest. 

Thank you for listening. 

1 comment:

  1. Same w/ my hubs through the toughest, lowest, scariest times - especially when I had to go without proper medical care for a couple of years - he saw our family through. He got us through those uncertain, utterly frightening times with a never give up attitude.


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